Climbing Helmets

First Aid

First Aid 

Staff must have first aid skills suited to the operation's emergency scenarios. In many adventure activity situations they could be managing an injured person for an extended period of time before external emergency help arrives, for these scenarios they should have an in-depth first aid qualification such as pre-hospital emergency care.  

First aid kits must also be suited to the operation's emergency scenarios. Here are some suggestions for a first aid kit suited to most Outdoors Activities. 

Ensure you have procedures to:

  • check that first aid kit contents are complete before taking into the field
  • check that sterile products are not contaminated and perishable medication is within its expiry date
  • dispose of and replace contaminated or expired products.
  • store medications appropriately.

Managing serious allergic reactions in the outdoor environment can be particularly problematic. Here is an Outdoor Industry Guide for Using Adrenaline.