WakaKaiteriteri Bay Scott Winyard from ParaDigital Kaiteriteri Recreation Reserve


SupportAdventure is the website that provides guidance to adventure tourism and commercial outdoor recreation and education operators whose activities fall under the Adventure Activities Regulations

Providers who provide other organised adventure activities should find the guidance helpful, while those who are regulated by Maritime New Zealand or the Civil Aviation Authority should also refer to those regulatory bodies for further information.

The website includes practical resources and shares good practices to help strengthen safety across the adventure activity sectors.

We encourage you to apply these resources to meet the stage, scale, and complexity of your operation. Use the content to challenge your way of operating and to strengthen your safety management and safety culture.

This website is managed by Tourism Industry Aotearoa and Recreation Aotearoa with the content supplied and curated by ROSA (the Register of Outdoor Safety Auditors). 


Share your experience

The SupportAdventure website is full of content generated by the sector for the sector.

We would like to thank the hundreds of providers who have generously shared their skills and experience to help with its development.

If you would like to share your experience and help other providers increase safety, please email admin@rosa.org.nz


The SupportAdventure website and guidance material were developed by Rachel Moore (Tourism Industry Aotearoa) following the government’s 2009/2010 review into safety in the commercial outdoor and adventure tourism sectors.

During the review, providers said they wanted a central, credible source of safety guidance to support them during start-up and ongoing reviews of their safety management systems. 

A major refresh of the website was carried out by ROSA members Stu Allan, Mike Pennefather, and Mark Smith in March 2024.